Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat was a wealth of blog opportunities tonight!
  • [said as we passed a house without the porch light on] "But EVERYBODY is supposed to be home for Trick or Treat!!"
  • [said when people would give out candy without the customary exchange] "Wow. These people are so nice that they don't even make me say, 'Trick or Treat!'"
  • [whispered as she left the porch of a house] "That guy was totally watching soccer!!"
  • [said while passing two boys dressed as skeletons] "Wow!! Look!! Bone mans!!"
  • [said while passing a lady dressed as if she were showering] "Is she really taking a shower? Are you sure?"
I was very impressed with her as she went from house to house: letting other kids go first, sharing her candy with our babysitter without being asked, not being greedy or rude, and saying "thank you" at each house. What a great little pumpkin fairy I have!!!

Try to Win?

Spoken quite seriously during one of many games in a marathon round of Hi Ho Cherry-O in which she had won 4 of 4 games: "Mommy. Can you please try to win this time?"


Aidyn HATES being teased or laughed at. It's actually becoming kind of a problem for her to burst into tears at church when someone innocently laughs at one of her cute remarks. Last week she was quite specific when she said, "I don't like you to be sarcastic because that's like making fun of me!!"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Angry Eyes

Aidyn is a softie for animals. I predict that one day she will go through a vegetarian phase and I'm waiting for her to figure out that chickens on the farm and chicken you eat are actually the same thing. Recently this has translated to bugs as well, although she still doesn't exactly get excited when she sees a bug. The dramatic scene from the bathroom the other night:

Aidyn: "Oh no!! There's a ladybug on the sink. I can't wash my hands."
Daddy: "Just kind of push it out of the way."
Aidyn: "I can't do that!!"
Daddy: "Why not? [sighs] Here, I'll do it [gently moves the ladybug off the faucet handle]."
Aidyn: [very concerned as she comes out of the bathroom] "Um, Daddy? I think that ladybug had angry eyes."

Helps You Burp

Evidence from lunch the other day that we have had a baby or two in this house: "Well, I need to burp but I can't. Oh! But I know what helps you burp! You have to bump your back like this [demonstrates on herself]!! When you bump your back it helps you burp."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Macaroni Also Cheese

Me: "Let's have macaroni and cheese for lunch."
Aidyn: "Mommy, I don't really like the word 'and' anymore."
Me: "Really? Why not?"
Aidyn: "I've just heard it way too much."
Me: "Ok, well, what could we use instead of 'and?'"
Aidyn: "There's always 'also,' 'as well as,' and 'too.' So how about 'macaroni also cheese?'"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I Forgot...

At bedtime tonight Aidyn realized that she had forgotten something so she said, "Wait, I need to talk with Jesus because I forgot to say thank you for my food tonight. Dear Jesus, thank you for my food. Amen. [brief pause] WAIT!! "And Jesus, I love you. Amen."

Friday, October 15, 2010

When I Come Back...

I forgot to blog this several months ago when it happened but when it happened AGAIN today I was reminded!!

As I was helping Aidyn clean her room she needed to make a run downstairs to put something away. As she went off toward the stairs she called back casually, "Mommy. I want to see this room tidy when I come back."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Just Can't Stop

Aidyn's explanation for her ability to chatterbox: "Whenever I start talking I just can't stop!!"

Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

This past weekend Aidyn's children's church lesson was about Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace. On the way home from youth group over 8 hours later Aidyn repeated the entire story, with correct pronunciation of the names and a detailed explanation of how Nebuchadnezzar found four men walking around in the furnace. My favorite part of her recreation of events was right at the end, "Um, isn't there a Veggie Tales movie that does that? But...the Bible story doesn't have a chocolate factory."


The very same day we got a note from Aidyn's preschool that they would be learning their colors, Aidyn made the word "hue" with her refrigerator letters. Daddy pointed out that "hue" is actually a word and they had quite a discussion about the meaning. That night at dinner Aidyn saw the word on the refrigerator and explained the meaning to me, carefully pointing out different hues of green as she saw them around the kitchen. I think we need to get her out of that preschool!!


Aidyn has had a rough last couple of days with a stomach virus (that she has generously shared with me). At the worst of her illness she commented, "Even when I lay down I feel like I'm still moving," and "Everyone's voice is just so too loud!" Poor baby!

Sick of Our House

Last night Aidyn randomly decided, "Mama. I am kind of getting sick of this house. Will we ever get a new one?" I wasn't sure what she was trying to get at, so I waited to see if she would continue. And I was not disappointed: "I mean, it would take a lot of suitcases to pack up all of our stuff, though. And before you know it, all that would be left is a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and some bedrooms. And we need to make sure that my Dora spoon comes with us."
Glad she's got her priorities straight!!