Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've been trying to teach Aidyn some common responses to questions that adults ask.
1. How are you? "I'm fine thank you" (we're working on it, she's getting better at being consistent with this programmed respnse)
2. What is your name? "My name is Aidyn" (pretty good response)
3. What is your last name? "Aidyn Mingo" (apparently the whole thing is the last name because that's the only time she'll say it. I just want her to know it right now in case she gets lost.)
4. How old are you? "I'm two. I'll be three at my birthday." (that is ALWAYS the response...wonder what she'll say after she turns three!)
5. When is your birthday? This is the new question we've been working on and yesterday afternoon I tried to quiz her in front of Daddy. The desired response is February 25, but she just said, "Tuesday." We just cracked up laughing. How does she know anything about what Tuesday is?
She is so smart it scares me and sometimes I am absolutely shocked and humored by the things that come out of her mouth.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Well she is only one day off. Her birthday is on Wednesday this year. Last year was Leap Year. So her birthday would have been on Tuesday this year if last year wasn't a Leap Year! :) Think on it! :)