Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Potty training? Phhhtt!

I'm sitting here checking my facebook and Aidyn comes over to me and says "Daddy I pooped. And I have pee pee in my diaper."
"Okay", I said, "do you need a diaper change?"
"I still have some poop to do dad" she says.

So if that is any indication as to how potty training is going....yeah.


Sarah said...

sorry it is not going well on your side! i just decided that we are going to do this. dash was kinda into it, but never to the point of knowing he just went in his diaper.
he just really liked the potty at the store and we got that. then i pulled his special bathroom books out and he was all about sitting on the potty to look at them. it took a bit to get to this point. but i am at the point of no return! but i had incentive, i didnt want three in diapers!
Good luck. maybe she needs a day at our house to see dash go. let me know and we can arrange that :)

Sarah Jane said...

I couldnt stop laughing at this one. Im still kinda giggling about it, now that Ive calmed myself down enough to type. She's too funny!