Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why Is the Moon Following Us?

Donnie tells lots of stories about the funny questions he would ask as a very inquisitive little boy. Today I got to hear Donnie's dad speak at church and he highlighted one specific question that has come through the generations.

Don Mingo, age 5, while driving with his mom at night: "Why is the moon following us?"
Donnie Mingo, age 4, while driving with his dad at night: "Why does the moon follow us?"
Aidyn Mingo, just last week, while driving with her mom at night: "Why does the moon look like it is following us?"

What a hilarious coincidence that all three generations have asked this astronomical question with such earnestness. Many people in the church service then came to me asking, "Did she really ask that?" (as if my father-in-law lied throughout his sermon...:-) and I confirmed the story. Aidyn is such a verbally intelligent child, I look forward to the next several years as she gains more understanding to match her vocabulary.

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