Monday, September 14, 2009

Remember in the Supermarket?

Several weeks ago we began preparing Aidyn for a new foster placement. We had been told that Milwaukee county was overflowing with kids needing somewhere to go and we decided to start being open to Milwaukee placements. So, I asked Aidyn one day at the grocery store if it was ok for us to get another baby to stay at our house for a while and she said, "Yeah, but I want a sister." I said we'd see but that we were hoping for a baby boy. "Noooooooooo," she whined. "I want a sister." I let the matter drop and figured we'd get whatever we got.

Fast forward to last Thursday. We accepted a placement of one newborn boy, AJ, and his three-year-old sister, Kassie. That evening at bedtime Aidyn reminded me, "Remember in the supermarket? I told you I wanted a sister!"

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