Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ruining My Life and Other Fantastic Fits

Aidyn has been quite emotional lately...or, well, always. But more lately. Or, I guess, emotional in more sophisticated ways and with fantastic fit-throwing skills.

A couple days ago I asked Aidyn to tidy up her play area. She threw a huge fit over it with the typical "I don't want to" and "You're not listening to me." I stopped her and sent her to her room to get her emotions under control (which is our usual mode of discipline in those circumstances) and as she stormed up the stairs she screamed at the top of her lungs, "YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE!!"

Same day, same kid, different fit, again screamed loudly and with accompanying stomping of feet: "I AM NOT THROWING A FIT!! I AM JUST SAD!!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!!!!"

Next day, same kid, different fit, same basic premise. I had asked Aidyn to help tidy toys in the living room and she said she didn't feel like it. I pointed out that I didn't really feel like tidying up toys either and I wasn't the one who got them out so I shouldn't have to tidy them up. She began pointing to the laundry in the living room and screaming, "WELL, DID I GET OUT THAT BASKET? NO! OR THAT BASKET? NO. SO WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO CLEAN UP?" Nothing like using my own logic against me, if ineffectively.

Next day, same kid, different fit, different event this time. Daddy asked her to change her attitude toward the beginning of a fit where she had told him "No" when he asked her to do something and then stomped away. He said she could go back and walk and speak nicely or go to her room to nap before being given lunch. Her choice was clear as she stormed up the stairs screaming, "YOU ARE STARVING ME!!!"


Sarah Jane said...

Wait! Im confused...are you telling my life story or hers?

Sarah said...

well, I know it is exhausting to you, but I am glad to know that my kids are normal! also a bit scared to know it is the same at 3.5 as 4.5, im in for the long haul i guess