Monday, February 2, 2009

Mad-lion and the Bass

Lately I have decided to stop feeling guilty about how much tv Aidyn watches. She really doesn't just sit around watching it all day or anything, but I definitely don't always keep to the one hour or less per day guideline that I've seen for preschoolers. The fact is that she has learned more from Dora, Little Einsteins, Jack's Big Music Show, and lots of other shows than I ever expected. The other day I was flipping through channels and we saw a jazz band playing on PBS. Aidyn points at one of the band members and said, "Look! He's playing the bass!" She will often ask to be played like a guitar (strumming on her belly), or like a drum (patting her back), or a piano (tickling the ivories on her ribs), or a tambourine (shaking her all over). I think it's great that she's learning a lot of things that we don't necessarily have a lot of interaction with. She's learning to make connections between related concepts, too. She loves the book Madeline and recently the characters on the show Toot and Puddle visited Paris. She said, "Look! It's Paris, just like in Mad-lion!"


Sarah said...

really only an hour or less a day for preschoolers! wow i dont follow that too well. but it is mostly educational. super why, sid the science kid, baby einsteins, leap frog(letter factory and math circus) and veggie tales, with an occasional disney/pixar film!
i agree, if they are also active during the day(which dash definatelyis) and it is things to help the brain. I mean really how many two year olds are saying plus and equals! not that it is correct yet, but it is in the vocab!

C said...

I know the recommendation is absolutely no TV before the age of 2...can't picture following that:) Brooklyn hasn't seen any kids' stuff yet, but she's "watched" LOTS of football with us:) I picture having a little educational video on while I make dinner in the future (before she's 2), and I don't feel even a little guilty about that:) She gets plenty of interaction with us and will continue to, so I don't think it'll ruin her for life:)