Friday, February 27, 2009


This morning Aidyn woke up very early, so I got up early too so that everyone else could stay asleep another few hours. Her tear ducts have been blocked since birth and still occasionally get blocked in the morning although there has been enough improvement in them that we are not too eager to have surgery to fix them. So, she will sometimes have tears running down her cheeks even if she isn't sad--people are always asking her, "Why are you crying?" I wonder if she gets as annoyed as I do about it?

Anyway, as I wiped the tears from her face this morning she said, "That's just water. It protects my eyes so I can see better." (No kidding, her exact words. Why am I even surprised by this stuff anymore?)

1 comment:

Bethann said...

I hate my watery eyes!!! I hate being asked all the time why I'm crying when Im not... I can be happy as a clam and people will ask whats wrong... so I know how it feels. But wow what a smarty pants.