Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jesus' Ears

Aidyn has now started going to the three-year-old class at church and I've been impressed by how different it is from the toddler nursery. They actually have a lesson and a memory verse then a paper to color that has extra ideas to reinforce the lesson throughout the week. It's also exciting because now she gets to sing on stage with the other preschoolers at the Palm Sunday services. We bought the cd's from church that have all the cool Sunday School songs they sing (whatever happened to "Jesus Loves Me?") and we've been listening to them in the car so she can learn the songs really well for her little concert. One of the songs is her favorite about how Jesus hears when we pray and we can talk to him anywhere, anytime. The song is called "Jesus Hears," but Aidyn insists that it is "the Jesus' ears song."

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