Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Butt Doesn't Cover the Whole Potty

Aidyn is learning how to use the big potty without the little seat that snaps in to make the hole smaller. It's hard for her to balance on the big potty because she's so little but Kassie can do it, so she really wants to try. A few days ago she pointed out that she was using the big potty "the cool way" as she calls it and then said, "My butt doesn't cover the whole potty like yours does, Mommy. Because my butt is little but yours is big to cover the whole potty."
This isn't even the first time she's said I have a big butt, remember? Thanks, Aidyn.

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

That's alright, I have a big butt too! :o)