Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Butt

We are really trying to work on this potty training thing, but it's just not happening. I have to say I'm a little surprised that she didn't catch on more quickly, but I just have to keep telling myself that she won't still be wearing diapers in high school so we're going to be ok.

Lots of the books and articles tell you to model using the bathroom for your child, or at least point out to them that you're "going on the potty like a big girl." So today Aidyn was sitting on the potty (and nothing was happening besides reading "Elmo Uses the Potty" for the 50th time) and I decided to talk to her about it. I explained that Mommy uses the potty like a big girl and she said:

"But you have a big butt and I have a little butt. And, you have a big belly but I have a little belly. And I don't have to go potty."

Thanks, Aidyn. Thanks a lot. I think I'll definitely be sticking with my diet after that wonderful, uplifting encouragement and I'll be sure to use similarly loving words when you're wearing diapers to Algebra class.


sandlegirl81 said...

That totally cracked me up! (No pun intended!) That is hilarious! Tricia

Kathy said...

Ok, this is a keeper! LOL on this one!

Sarah Jane said...

Thats okay because "Auntie has big panties!" So I guess we're in the same club!

Ruth Christison said...

That is hysterically funny! She IS your daughter!!! :OP