Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wrenching and Screwdrivering

My parents are in town for the week and my dad is doing some handyman projects around the house for me. Aidyn has been singing, "Pappy the builder, can he fix it? Yes he can!" One of the projects was a much-needed dishwasher which he successfully installed last night. This morning the girls noticed the dishwasher and remembered that Pappy had put it in and Aidyn said, "Yeah! Pappy was hammering and wrenching and screwdrivering."

What Animal Eats Apples?

This morning at breakfast:

Aidyn: "Mommy, what animal eats apples?"
Me: "I'm not sure...maybe monkeys? Or birds?" Then I had an epiphany, "Oh, and horses. Horses like apples."
Aidyn: "Then I'm a horse!"

I guess she wanted apples for breakfast!


This morning as I was dressing the girls for school I overheard this:
Aidyn: "You're naked!"
Kassie: "I'm not naked! I have underwear on!"
Aidyn: "Well, then you're half-naked."
Kassie: "Yeah. Half-naked."

I didn't even know Aidyn knew what half meant! Although technically she was more like 3/4 naked, so maybe the definition is still up in the air.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

You're Ruining Our Pumpkins!

The girls went to a pumpkin patch last Thursday for a field trip with their preschool. After they chose their pumpkins and brought them home we decided to carve jack-o-lanterns with them. Aidyn was very excited to carve pumpkins, but it's obvious that she had no idea what the word carve actually meant. As Donnie began to cut the lid off the pumpkin, Aidyn said, "Daddy! You're ruining our pumpkins!" Later she also said, "Daddy! You're breaking the pumpkins!"

We're Just Dancing

Those two little girls that we have do NOT like to go to bed. They stall and fight it sometimes for hours. Tonight was no exception and as I went into their room to discipline them for the third time they were standing on their beds. They dived under their covers and acted innocently until I asked why they weren't sleeping. Aidyn said, "But Mommy, we're just dancing."
I calmly instructed them to stop dancing and go to sleep and then left their room laughing quietly to myself.

That Is a Good Answer

Mamie and Pappy arrived for a visit tonight and as I was putting the girls to bed Aidyn asked, "Are Mamie and Pappy going to be here when I wake up in the morning?" I let her know that they were and she happily replied, "That is a good answer!"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stop, Drop, and Roll

Aidyn has learned about fire safety from some firefighters at school this month. One of the things they learned was about what to do if your clothes are on fire. Aidyn demonstrates quite hilariously: "First you stop [puts her arms straight out very dramatically], then you drop [literally flops to the floor face first], then you cover your face [covers her face], then you roll [rolls dramatically and rapidly back and forth across the floor]." You'd have to see it to get the full effect, but you get the idea, right?

What's Inside My Body?

Aidyn was watching television with me this week when she randomly piped up, "Mommy, what's inside my body?" We got out one of her children's encyclopedias and looked at all of the pictures of our insides. She was very interested and now routinely asks to look at "the inside of the body book."

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Last night I heard Aidyn and Kassie talking together in the kitchen. Aidyn said, "When I grow up I want to be a doctor." Then she asked, "Kassie, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Kassie thought a minute then replied, "I want to be a patient."

Aidyn Spilled

Ok, so this isn't really Aidyn's words, but it's about her so I think I'll put it in here anyway. A few nights ago Aidyn was complaining of her stomach hurting before bed. I didn't really think much of it, although I should have because it's not like she says that kind of thing often. Not long after I put her to bed Kassie yelled down over the baby monitor in a very tattley, singsong voice: "Moooooommmmm, Aidyn spilled in my bed." Sure enough, strawberry-flavored vomit everywhere. And poor Aidyn sitting there wondering what she'd done to get tattled on about!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Question

Aidyn's deep question of the day:
"Mom, could a dog 'meow'?"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

But We Can't Have Cereal

That's our girl. Always thinking ahead. This morning at breakfast:

Aidyn: "Mom, can you read us a story while we eat?"
Me: "Sure."
Aidyn: "But we can't have cereal."
Me: "Really? Why?"
Aidyn: [with a slightly exasperated in, 'don't you know anything, mom?'] "Because when we crunch it will be too loud and we won't be able to hear the story!"