Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Come into My World

Aidyn's prayer a few weeks ago:

"Dear Jesus, I'm sorry for all the bad things I do that got you killed. I want the Holy Spirit to come into my world and help me make better choices. Thanks. Amen."


Locked in a Box

Me: "Aidyn, please quit locking your cat in that box."

Aidyn: "Why?"

Me: "Well, would you like to be locked in a box?"

Aidyn: "But, I'm not a cat."

Point. Set. Match.

Mi Gato

**Disclaimer: I don't speak Spanish, so I'm just repeating what she said with spelling the best I could do."

Aidyn is doing really well at her dual language school. She is one of the top in her class and we've been told that she is a "natural" at learning a second language. We know. She was a natural at learning the first one, too!

The best part for me is when she randomly inserts Spanish into her conversations with us:

  • "Mom, what's the word for 'trenti' in English?"

  • "Papa, mi gato es bonita."

  • "The word for bee? Abeja!"

It's so fun to watch her learn!


"Well, I know. We could put Autumn's food and water and some toys in her box and she could play in there. It's an option."