Friday, January 16, 2009

Foster Baby

Having Hailie has been such a joy and Aidyn has done so well with her. Usually she is saying, "I'm a good big sister," "That's my baby sister," or just "That's my baby." But last week at church someone asked her, "Is that your baby?" and she replied, "No, that's our foster baby."


Sarah said...

thats kinda sad! she has been so proud to be a big sister! but maybe that is for the better if it comes time for her to leave.

Sarah Jane said...

Wow! She is so smart! To be 2yrs old and be able to use a vocabulary word like "foster" is truly amazing. She may not be able to spit out an exact definition; but to understand that it is the relationship between her and hailie and know that it is a different kind of relationship than most baby sisters have with their families is so amazing and intelligent! Congrats Mom and Dad!

Tracy said...

We thought it was cute and funny-she really doesn't know the full meaning of "foster," she's just kind of parroting what she's heard us say. She still loves Hailie lots and is a wonderful big sister.