Monday, March 7, 2011

AJ's First Post!!!

I was wondering how long it would be before I could do an AJ post since Aidyn was already using short sentences by the time she was his age, but the day has arrived!! And, I'm pleased to report, it was a nice and sweet thing he said!

AJ can say about 15 words: ball, hi, bye, daddy, mama, aidyn, abbey, all done, more, bites, cup, baby, and a couple others that I can't think of right now.

The other day he was sitting in his high chair and I was making him some lunch but Landon was having a meltdown and wanted to be held. right. now. As Landon screamed and I tried to hurry I heard AJ softly saying, "It's ok, baby. It's ok. It's ok, baby. It's ok."


Abbey said...

Yes! I made the list!!!

Sarah said...

awww, im tearing up! how sweet, now youll have to keep this post as proof that he was kind to his brother :)

Sarah Jane said...

Such a good big bro!