Saturday, June 4, 2011

AJ's "Babies" Experience

A couple days ago we were watching the documentary "Babies" together. As we sat on the couch watching a new mom cradle her baby, AJ burst into tears. My first reaction was that he pinched his foot or something, so I turned to help him and saw his eyes fixed on the tv screen, huge tears running down his face. I heard a very heartbroken cry coming from my little boy. I held him while he cried and until he became distracted by something else in the movie, but I wondered the whole time: "Is he remembering that moment with his birth mom? Does he know that he didn't really get a moment like that at all and he wishes for it?" It was a very strange moment. What do you think??

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh, that is weird. I don't think that is what he was thinking though. Their brains are not wired like that yet. But, I know that if I were in your shoes, I wonder the same thing! Keep that on your to ask God list for heaven!