Monday, April 13, 2009

No School for You

Aidyn's incentive for potty training is getting to go to school. I know that doesn't sound like such a great incentive, but for her it is. She is so excited to be a big girl and go to school that it has actually been a good reminder for her when she has an accident. I have never held it over her head at all, unlike the way she used it with me this past week. I did something she didn't like (I can't remember what now) and she pointed one little finger at me and shouted, "No school for you!"


Crystal said...

We use that incentive with isaac all the time... That was one of the things that helped along the potty training process.. But this past couple weeks he started having accidents again. We think it is this tranistion with mom working again who knows... But we threaten him with school. He is so excited to go to summer school this summer and then to ride the bus and go to real kindergarten in the fall but we threaten this wont happen if he has accidents, cause if he keeps having accidents he will have to wear pull-ups again and you cant wear pull-ups to school.

Anonymous said...

o my..thats so funny! haha kaitlyn loves school..its actually daycare..but still. she gets her clothes ready the night before and everything. and she always makes sure she tells me on sunday.."there no school today mom sunday..but i go school marrow..ok?" haha its so awesome that school is such a big deal!

Sarah said...

i love it when they try to "parent" us. Yesterday, Dash counted to 3 for me then proceeded to come over and give me a spanking. Not sure what i was "suppose" to be doing.

C said...

I just picture the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld yelling "No soup for you!":)
I love that she's excited about school:)