Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Each of Our Eyes Are Stuck to Us

I love to listen to Aidyn sing! Sometimes she gets songs stuck in her head which I find hilarious...she's only 3!! The other day she had "Hey Diddle Diddle" stuck in her head and we got to hear her sing it about 25 times on the way to dinner at Chili's.

One of the cd's she really likes is called...well, I don't know what it's called because Aidyn just refers to it as "the shine shine songs." She likes to listen to shine shine songs at bedtime and sometimes they get stuck in her head the next day. Last weekend she was singing one of the songs from that cd which goes:

"God loves us so much
That He gave His only Son
To come and save us
Each and every one
And if we believe in Him
We'll have live that never ends
This is how God shows His love."

One of the 20 times she sang it through she stopped after "each and every one" and asked me, "Mom. What does 'each' mean?" Now, for just a second, try to explain the word "each" in language a three-year-old will understand. It's hard!

So I answered, "Well, means like every like individual"

And then she rescued me: "Like, 'Each of our eyes are stuck to us.'?"

All I could do was laugh and say, "Yep. Each of our eyes are stuck to us."

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