Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Don't Think It Worked

Aidyn loves her Daddy. A lot. She has always adored him and is only now starting to come around to the idea that she has two parents to love. No, seriously! On Tuesday she demonstrated that she is still Daddy's Girl. He was at work and we were home together just hanging out when I informed Daddy's Girl that it was time for a nap. She began crying for her Daddy (I think just to stall on the nap a few minutes longer) and I calmly informed her that Daddy would be home in a little while, after her nap. She eventually settled down and took a good long nap.

When she woke up she came down the stairs with Hailie Bunny in tow and looked around the downstairs. Then, very dejectedly, she came and stood before me saying, "I don't think it worked."

"Don't think what worked?" I replied.

"My nap didn't work. Daddy's not here."

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