Monday, November 16, 2009

Stop Licking That!

During our visit to Washington D.C. today I found myself repeatedly telling Aidyn not to lick things.  Apparently our nation's capitol tastes great because today alone Aidyn licked:

1. the MARC public train window,
2. the emergency instruction card on the train,
3. the escalator handrail on the Metro subway,
4. the chain surrounding the Lincoln Memorial,
5. the elevator glass in the Washington Monument,
6. the table in the Smithsonian Cafe,
7. the guardrails and/or glass at too many exhibits to count or list,
8. the plastic pouch of the kangaroo model in the mammal area of the Museum of Natural History,
9. the mirror in the San Francisco-themed diner where we ate Philly cheesesteaks which was run by an oriental woman and a middle eastern man and had Jewish music playing (very cultural licking occurred here).

Ok.  Ew.  Hopefully that was all because that is SO gross.  Stop licking that.

1 comment:

Sam said...
