Saturday, December 6, 2008

Don't Blow My Head In

The other night I was reading the story of TheThree Little Pigs to Aidyn before bed. I always try to make the stories more interesting by getting into character, doing the voices, and creating appropriate sound effects. So when the Big Bad Wolf came to each of the little pigs' houses he would huff and I would really huff; he would puff, and I would do the puffiest puff I could do. And then when he would blow the house in, I would actually blow the house in with all my lung capacity. I like to view bedtime stories as a multisensory experience.
When the wolf got to the brick house, as he tried to huff and puff and huff and puff and blow it in, I actually blew on the back of Aidyn's head as she was sitting in my lap. Startled and with a worried look on her face, Aidyn turned to me and sternly said, "No, Daddy. Don't blow my head in."

1 comment:

sandlegirl81 said...

Ha ha ha! You guys are so lucky that she's not in school yet! Can you imagine her telling her teacher "Daddy tried to blow my head in last night!" Ha ha ha!