Monday, February 15, 2010

2 and 7

The other night at dinner Aidyn was asking about the time. She was noticing the clock and saying that the 9 and the 6 on the clock sometimes sort of look the same because the 6 upside-down is a 9. Then Daddy said that when he was younger he thought that a 2 and a 7 looked alike and he sometimes got confused.
Then she placed her silverware on her plate and gestured with her hands toward Daddy and then the clock. "Let me explain this to you. see..the 7 goes across and then sideways down and the 2 has a curly part and then it goes down and then over." I wish you could have seen her little earnest face trying so hard to help Daddy understand the difference!


Kathy said...

Oh my this one made me laugh so hard!

Dad says he reads these blogs as well..

We enjoy reading them! Thanks

Sarah Jane said...

How do you keep a straight face?