Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flashback: thank you's

Tonight at dinner, after Aidyn asked if she could be excused from the table, I remembered how Aidyn used to think that you had to add that to any polite phrase asking for something. It wasn't long after she turned two but it kinda went like this:

"Please milk and bescused from the table."

1 comment:

C said...

Your blog makes me laugh, because it reminds me so much of things Ellis (the little girl I nannied) said when she was Aidyn's age. And I really do know that Brooklyn is saying "hi" to us -- I also know that most people won't believe us:) So thank you for believing me! I'm sure people didn't believe me when I'd quote the things Ellis said, but it was true -- isn't it so fun when you have (or are around) verbally intelligent kids, as you called them:)