Saturday, February 7, 2009

President Obama

Aidyn and I watched the Inaguration together a couple of weeks ago and talked a little bit about President Obama and what his job is as President of our country. I was sure at the time that she had absolutely no clue what I was talking about, but it has been my practice ever since she was born to just keep talking to her even if I felt the topic was way above her head. I have been surprised before, but this time was blog-worthy.
This afternoon while we were eating lunch, Donnie and I were discussing a newspaper article about Cuba and how it related to Obama. Aidyn, eager to join the conversation as always, piped up: "Oh, yeah, President Obama, he's the new one. What does the President do?"
Donnie said, "He is in charge of our whole country and he's our leader. He has a big job."
"Yeah," she replied. "I know. President Obama plays music for all the people."

1 comment:

Bethann said...

O man she is way to funny. I know I say that in every comment, but man seriously!!!