Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Aidyn: The Musical

Donnie has said many times that living with Aidyn is like living in a permanent musical. She will randomly burst into song, even singing her sentences ("Mooooommmmmmy, I nee-eeed a dri-nk!") or sometimes singing songs I didn't even think she knew, like from Sanctus Real the other day and perfectly on pitch: "Whatever you're doing inside of me, it feels like chaos but I believe." Today in the grocery store I had quite the backstage show at her life musical.

As we walked into the store she saw the display of balloons and noticed that one of them was a star. "Twinkle twinkle little star..."
Then we walked past the cakes near the bakery. "Happy birthday to you...."
Then past the cereal aisle where they had the Alphabits cereal. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G...."
Then I grabbed a block of cheese and she was playing with it between her hands like a gate and began singing again. "London Bridge is falling down.."
Then as we were checking out she smiled and said, "That was a great song, Mom."

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