Saturday, December 19, 2009

Chicky-Lou Auntie

My sister Sarah has always just been "Auntie." Aidyn hasn't ever called her anything else and for a while she was the only Auntie she really remembered. Auntie calls the girls "Chicky-Lou" in a cute little teasing voice and the girls think she's wonderful. It helps that we've seen Auntie Sarah twice in the last 3 months and that half of Aidyn's clothes come from Auntie ("Who bought you that outfit? I't's so cute!"..."Auntie bought me this!")

She is realizing now that she has three Aunties not counting all of our very good friends that we simply refer to as "Auntie"and with family coming to town for Christmas from California, Minnesota and Florida she's been asking about her family that she doesn't get to see as often as we'd like. She's having a bit of trouble keeping "Auntie Jess" and "Auntie Jen" straight although she has very vivid memories of dancing with Papa at Auntie Jess' wedding. So we've been showing her lots of pictures and reminding her of everyone's place in the family: Auntie Jess is married to Uncle Dennis, remember we went to their wedding? Auntie Jen is Addison's mommy (she remembers her cousin perfectly!) and now they have a new baby Makenna, too! She is so excited to see family in a few days that she's not counting down to Christmas, she's only counting it as a day in between family visits.

The other night she showed that she is finally getting everything straight. I was telling her that I was talking to Auntie on the phone and she said, "Which Auntie? Chicky-Lou Auntie?"

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