Friday, December 4, 2009

Movie Theater

Lately we've been playing "Movie Theater" in the living room, complete with all the lights off and popcorn, candy, and soda! The kids love it and it gives us a chance to wind down as a family in the evening. Our first movie showing was Earth from Disney which, it turns out, is just the Planet Earth footage repackaged for kids without the graphic predator scenes. The girls liked watching "the movie about animal families" and Aidyn asked some good questions and made some good comments throughout. Here's a list of her thoughts on the movie:
  • "Ohhhhhhh! Look at the snow waterfall!" (it was the ice cap home of the polar bears)
  • "Does the baby reindeer cry?" (asked after seeing the scene of him being hunted by wolves)
  • "Someone broke it!" (upon noticing a river through the ice)
  • "Caterpillar's food is leaves." (this was right after the predator scene and I think she noticed it doesn't eat other animals)
  • "What are the things that are mean to the little lion king? Oh yeah, hyenas." (not sure what made her think of this)
  • "Do the animals cry in the big animals' bellies?" (another predator reference--this one is also a reference to the fable about The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids which we had just recently read)

1 comment:

Sam said...

I was very fortunate enough to experience the movie theater event tonight while watching the kids. It was so cute Aidyn kept telling me everything that needed to be done before it was a real theater. haha.