Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Aidyn, Love Mommy

Dear Aidyn,
I love you so much and I have really been noticing what a wonderful person you are. Specifically I have been watching you with Kassandra. Kassandra has changed dramatically from the little girl she was when she came to our house and I can take no credit because I know the true medicine for Kassandra's life was YOU. You are much too little to realize what a profound and life-changing difference you have made in her life and yet I think you do understand that you are helping her.
The way you supportively sit by while your mama holds another child who is sick and the way you comfort her by gently touching her little leg in my lap shows your wonderful compassion. I have been so impressed with your sharing with Kassandra what it's like to have a Daddy, like when you've said, "Oh, don't worry Kassie, Daddy always comes home," and "Daddy doesn't hurt you." I love how gently you correct her when she calls blue "green" or a square "a circle" and can truly see your teacher's heart. I love how you have helped Kassandra love church and praying and learning Bible verses and loving Jesus like you do. I love how you've shared your love for music--teaching her everything from the Alphabet Song to Light of Salvation--and your love for books--freely sharing even your most beloved volumes with her.
Although you still have trouble sharing your toys with Kassandra just as any three-year-old would, you have so generously shared your Mommy and Daddy with her and in this you have shared with her the best gift you could ever have shared. I have so enjoyed coming to this realization and wanted to share it with you here because I know that you do not yet understand. But someday I will tell you this in person and hopefully you will know that you have made a difference just by being wonderful you.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Tracy this made cry. It's so true!! Tonight when I was giving the girls dinner, I asked K what plate she wanted, Aidyn was like "But I don't like this plate, I want the one K has." and when I asked her if K could have it for tonight all she said was "Okay miss Sam, she can have it tonight because she's sick." I was amazed. Any other three year old I know would have thrown a fit, but Aidyn just said okay, and continued playing. She is one awesome girl.