Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sometimes They Fall Off Ladders

Aidyn is starting to understand the concept that Mommy is at work while she's sleeping at night. I work in a busy ER and I spare her the gory details, but she knows that when I go to work I'm helping people who are sick.
Yesterday morning I woke her up and was getting her dressed and she noticed that I was wearing my work clothes. "Did you go to work?" she asked.
"Yep," was all I said.
"And you were helping people who were sick?" she questioned further.
"And sometimes they fall off ladders and you help them?" she asked.
I suppose it could happen so what could I say but, "Yep!"


Bethann said...

Awww. Where did that come from??? :)
Too funny :)

Anonymous said...

Auntie Laura says "Awe, how smart. It MUST be the Shoaf in her!"