Monday, September 29, 2008

Finding of the House

Every time we come home from a trip, as soon as Aidyn sees our house she says, "There's our house! We found it!" I didn't really think anything about it until she started going to our friend's house for babysitting three days a week. Every time I pick her up and take her home she asks me, "Daddy, where's our house?" Then she starts calling for the house, "House! Where are you!?" As soon as we get home she's super excited that we found our house, clapping her hands and laughing, "We found it! We found our house!"

Then it dawned on me. Have you ever thought what driving around town looks like to a two-year-old? Apparantly Aidyn thinks we just drive around randomly, sporadically turning onto various streets, until eventually we happen upon our home. To her, it's not "welcome home," it's "Thank God we found it Dad! I was getting worried."


Bethann said...

Very interesting thought to think about. Specially in Waukesha!!!!

Anonymous said...

...We did it, We did it, We did it! Yeah, lo hicimos! We did it, we did it, we did it HURRAY!!

Tonya said...

That is hillarious!!! I just started reading her blog yesterday! This is an excellent way to document her cuteness!!